Staff Info
RETURNING Applicants
Please log in using the email and password you used last year.
If you do not remember your login or need assistance, email or download the CAMPDOC GUIDE.
NEW Applicants
Please click the link and follow the directions for creating a new profile.
For help with the login/registration process, email or download the CAMPDOC GUIDE.
Please email us at to inquire.
All members of the Camp Staff, including parent volunteers, are responsible for carrying out the mission of St. Nicholas Summer Camp. This mission is to provide a living experience of the Orthodox Faith. Staff will do this by providing a Christ-centered, safe environment, where campers and staff can fully discover the joys of the Christian tradition, fully participating in the sacramental life in a community with fellow members of the Body of Christ.
Camp Staff must be available to work from the entire week of camp. Camp Staff are also required to participate in a Mandatory Training Session one day prior to camper arrival to discuss policies, procedures, and daily schedule for the camp week. Emergency leave or absences during the camping week are granted at the discretion of the Camp Director.
1) Staff must be at least 18 years of age by the first day of camp and out of high school for at least one (1) year.
2) Staff must pass through a background check.
3) Staff must complete online training prior to arrival at camp.
4) Staff must submit ALL application materials by MAY 15TH.
5) Staff must agree to abide by and uphold the policies and procedures of the St. Nicholas Summer Camp, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit, and Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
All staff positions at St. Nicholas Summer Camp are volunteer, non-paid positions. Staff is also responsible for their travel to and from the camp. But their meals, lodging, and activities are covered.
Applications will be considered based on information provided from the following sources: interview, neatness, promptness, and completeness of the application; insight provided by questions; and the testimony of the references. In addition, we will be conducting background checks on all volunteers that are a part of the St. Nicholas Summer Camp staff.
Once all required forms are received, they will be reviewed and you will be contacted via email or letter on the status of your application. ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION AND FORMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 15TH.
If there are any questions, please contact Metropolis of Detroit SNC Office at